Eli5: why does scratching a bug bite feel so good?


Eli5: why does scratching a bug bite feel so good?

In: 30

5 Answers

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I believe that evolution has programmed us to find scratching pleasurable (at least temporarily). The itch indicates something is wrong on your skin. Your body says “scratch that thing” in order to shoo away the bug or whatever might be causing it. Also to tell you to avoid that situation in the future.

Try this experiment: next time you have an itch, do not scratch directly on it. Scratch near it and around it and you will experience less positive “feedback” from your skin/brain. Your body will respond by increasing the itch sensation in the actual spot. Then when you do hit the spot, your reward seems to be greater. You will also experience this when you have someone else scratch your back. It becomes more frustrating as they fail to locate the exact spot of your itching. Evolution is amazing!

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