Eli5: Why does sea water kill us but electrolyte solutions actually hydrate us? Aren’t they both water + salts?


Edit: Question answered. Thanks!

Don’t be too hard on me, I almost failed chemistry:'(

In: 2220

51 Answers

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All the answers here are missing a vital component. The biggest issue is that water follows the salt. Salt is the leader in this situation. In a balanced world there is as much salt in your cells as outside and everyone is happy. The leaders all agree to be balanced and the cells are healthy. Each portion of salt attracts the same amount of water, each leader has the same number of followers.

Electrolyte solutions keep this healthy balance so the leaders inside and outside the cells agree that the right amount of water is where it is supposed to be.

If you drink a lot of sea water you are introducing too many leaders (salt). They can’t go into the cells like the water can. (Cells have walls to keep the balance.) The extra leaders call all the water out of the cells and the cells shrivel (called crenation). If they shrivel too much they die.

If you drink too much water the leaders in the cells will expand and cause them to pop, also creating cell death.

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