Eli5 why does the body sometimes sweat in situations other than heat? E.g. shock, anxiety, being poisoned, allergic reaction, heart disease etc? I thought the purpose of sweating was cooling down body temperature.


Eli5 why does the body sometimes sweat in situations other than heat? E.g. shock, anxiety, being poisoned, allergic reaction, heart disease etc? I thought the purpose of sweating was cooling down body temperature.

In: Biology

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Sweating is primarily for temperature regulation, but it also happens with a significant adrenaline response. The fight or flight signals prepare the body for action. Starting to sweat before the running or fighting starts is a the body’s way of proactively managing what it expects to be a spike in body temperature.

Of course, biting into an habañero pepper or walking into a final you didn’t study for are not reasons you would need to be ready to defend your life or run away (depending on the nature of the test, I suppose), but to your adrenaline response, they are the same as being confronted with a physically threatening situation.