Eli5: Why does the firefighter pull the other firefighter down?


In [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/hwfaeq/these_fireman_fighting_a_backdraft/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) video the firefighter grabs the other and seems to pull him on top of him. Why does he do that?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

According to u/chiffed “Wide patterns suck a lot of heat out of a fire, but notice they got really low? Superheated steam. Steam also suffocates fire, but can go through bunker gear and cook you. Science and training make firefighting survivable.”
I imagine he’s pulling to help him get low and get a good angle since it is difficult to do on their own in heavy gear with a hose in hand

Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you not see the fire coming at them on the ceiling? Clearly the guy saw it coming and pulled the other dood so he would be safe AND in a position to easily spray water on the ceiling.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a fire, the lower you get the safer you are from the heat. This video claims to show a backdraft, but I think might actually be a rollover, when smoke higher up ignites and basically creates a fireball. The one firefighter is making sure he and his buddy and as low as possible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Something you don’t necessarily realize unless you’ve held a firehouse is that there is an awful lot of force pushing backward when they open up the hose.

Like you know how a garden hose will flail around if you drop it while it’s on? Firehouses do the same thing but cranked up to 11. The guys might not actually have intended to fall backward but may have had to to maintain control over the hose and direct the water upwards.