eli5 Why does the phone seem to lose battery faster when it’s below 20%?


Is it a psychological thing like how time seems to move faster when you’re late? Or is my phone lying to me?

In: 28

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, my phone seems to be doing the opposite; the last 10% seem to take 3 times longer than any other 10%.

The truth is, determining how much energy is left in a battery down to one percent’s accuracy is *difficult*. There are so many variables to keep track of, not to mention what’s accurate one day may be way off one week later because something changed. Your phone is basically just guesstimating, and for whatever reason it is guessing wrong in the lower range.

Or, like you say, it’s just because you get hyper aware of the battery percentage and it’s all in your head.

Either answer or both may be true, there’s not really a simple answer here.

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