Eli5: Why does the stomach shrink when taking the air in and expand when breathing out?


Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a doctor btw. But when you breath in, air goes into your lungs causing them to expand. There’s only so much room in the body so things have to shrink a little to allow the lungs to fill up. When you breath out the lungs get smaller because there is no air, so everything else in your body has more room to expand.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unless you’re a young child you really shouldn’t be breathing with your stomach or are physically exerting yourself. Your chest should expand to draw in the air.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The diaphragm muscle which sits below your lungs functions as the “bellows” or pump which empties and fills your lungs. whether your abdomen moves in or out, is dependent on whether you raise your torso or not while breathing. Torso moves up or back; stomach goes in; if it doesn’t, say if you’re in a clinch doing grappling work? Carrying a heavy load? can’t always breathe efficiently that way. need to use the abdomen instead.

either way, a sac is getting filled in your ribcage, make room with your guts down below or adjust your slouch to accommodate the depth of breath. I find a lot of this becomes instinctual if you do some swimming for a bit or hula-hooping/belly dancing, helps with distance running too and mitigating abdominal cramps.