eli5, why does this happen after wearing 3d glasses for awhile


Why when i wear 3d glasses (the red and blue kind) for a long time and then take them off, when i cover one eye the side that had red i see a blue tint and the side that had blue i see a red tint? Im was just in my room with them on not a movie

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2 Answers

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The sensors in your retinas can begin to filter some of a particular color if you see a lot of that color. For example, if you stare at blue light for a long time the receptors for blue will temporarily wear out, the result being that your vision will filter out some of the blue. For a few moments after removing the blue filter, everything will appear as though it has less blue in it, making it appear more red.

There are optical illusions which play with this, having you stare at a negative (that is, color-flipped) image for awhile then switching to looking at a white screen. The result is that your eyes will flip all the colors, briefly creating and afterimage of the intended color until the receptors in your eye’s retinas reset themselves.

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