eli5 Why does turning your device on and off often solve a technical issue?


eli5 Why does turning your device on and off often solve a technical issue?

In: 11

16 Answers

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Imagine a whiteboard. The longer you use that whiteboard without erasing it, the more problems you’re likely to run into. It’ll become a struggle as you try and fit things into little gaps, and even if you could erase a few things here and there you’d still probably have to break up long things into multiple parts and accidentally erase or overwrite something important every now and again.

Computer memory is kind of like this. No software is perfect (including the operating system like Windows, MaxOS, Android, IOS, etc.) and the longer it runs the more clutter and small errors it generates in memory (IE: the metaphorical whiteboard). Restarting a device is the equivalent of completely erasing the whiteboard and starting from a clean slate.

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