eli5 Why does turning your device on and off often solve a technical issue?


eli5 Why does turning your device on and off often solve a technical issue?

In: 11

16 Answers

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A simple way I have heard it explained is to think of it as communication between two people A calls B and B responds and this is repeated. Then, for some unknown reason A accidently calls C and then waits for B to respond and it doesn’t happen. A keeps calling C and waiting for B to respond and the system crashes.

So, you turn it off and it severs the connection between A and C (and A and B). Then when you turn it back on again, A boot up tells A to call B and wait for a reply. So A initiates a call to B and B replies and all works fine.

The on/off sequence basically starts it over – it does not correct the reason why A suddenly called C but in most instances it is not a “problem” it is just a glitch and does not repeat.

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