Eli5: Why dose warm/hot water come out of the tap “milky” or foggy white when cold water comes out clear?


Eli5: Why dose warm/hot water come out of the tap “milky” or foggy white when cold water comes out clear?

In: Chemistry

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another alternate possibility:

If you live in north america and have a hot water tank then it’s possible there is something growing inside it

Whether it’s bacterial or some kind of algae I dont know, but it comes out as grey/white clumps in a runny slime when you drain the tank. As long as the clumps arent too big or the slime too thick to come out the drain

I’m not saying every tank has it. I’ve only seen it a couple times over the last ~10 years, but I also dont do that much work on hot water tanks

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