eli5: Why DSLR (and mirrorless) camera batteries so inferior compared to smartphones?


I had Canons and Nikon DSLRs and lately a mirrorless Panasonic micro 3/4 and this always bugged me:
How come these camera batteries die within hours while only snapping a few pics here and there, while my iPhone (and I heard many androids are even better) last a full day (or more) doing a lot more processing intense tasks (watching HD videos, taking pictures, browsing the net, etc)
I have to carry 3-4 extra batteries when taking my “big” camera out for a hike and I’m not even shooting insane amounts of pictures.

In: 4

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an area camera makers feel they can cheap out on without getting too much flak from customers. If customers complained loudly and en masse, they would probably change it. Most likely, they’d end up cheaping out on something else to make up for it to try to keep their already slim margin. In the manufacturer’s mind, improving this aspect of the product will not likely give them more revenue, so why bother?

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