eli5: Why hasn’t the audio quality of “on hold” music improved in decades?


eli5: Why hasn’t the audio quality of “on hold” music improved in decades?

In: 934

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a lot of over thinking here.

The psychology behind on hold music is pretty simple. Non-descript tunes are used so the customer doesn’t have as much focus on the sense of time. The thank you for holding bullshit is to keep the customer eager and on their toes, as each music interruption gives hope that the call is answered.

If you played the chorus of say a Beatles tune, you would be able to tell if that played through 10 times or 50 times. As a business you also run the risk of having a customer who absolutely hates the Beatles.

So you find a non offensive song with no real start or end, and loop it. Just like elevator music.

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