eli5 why hydraulics can be used to crush near everything, but the functional components don’t crush themselves?


eli5 why hydraulics can be used to crush near everything, but the functional components don’t crush themselves?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really an answer to your question, but more of a fun fact. Hhdraulic stuff is “relatively” sensitive. It’s made to move in one direction ( “up and down” ) and one direction only. If you apply a decent enough sideways force to the cylinder part (usually the metal tube with another metal tube sticking out) say, by hitting it with an average hammer, presumably, the thing ought to fail catastrophically. Don’t try this at home, because the cylinder contains hydralic fluid which is toxic as hell, and there’a a very high chance, in such a scenario, the cylynder may rupture violently, amd given the forces at play, injecting hydralic fluid into your body through your skin and such, from “x” feet away isn’t likely to be an issue for the fluid.

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