Eli5 Why is Africa frequently shown as smaller than its actua size on maps? (Or I guess why are maps in general not proportionate??)


I’ve seen a (non) literal billion maps with different depictions of how large Africa is. I gather that it is actually far larger than the United States, but it doesn’t usually seem to be depicted that way. This seriously confuses me. ISS flyovers give a good idea of the difference. Why are so many maps disproportionate?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

because the earth is a 3D oblong spheroid and maps are two dimensional. Flattening a 3d object into 2d causes distortions it can’t be helped there’s no agenda behind it. The edges are stretched out and the center is contracted. Want an accurate map? buy a globe.

Oh the reason asia is cut in half and the americas are dead center on some maps? it’s an ocean map. This map was meant to show the atlantic and pacific oceans whole it isn’t american ego… if memory serves it may be british in origin.

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