ELI5, why is going to bed super late bad for you if you still get the same amount of sleep?


I’ve always wondered this, espeically over summer break or for those who work later but why is going to bed late bad for you if you still get the perfect amount of sleep?

For example, last night I wen’t to bed at like 1:30 AM and woke up at 10:30 am, which is 9 hours? So if I’m getting required sleep, how is it bad for me?

In: 2565

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It isn’t.
Society just made it unhealthy.

Because society is based on earlier hours, you will have to wake up early at some point. No matter how much you try, there’s always gonna be that one 8am appointment that you can’t reschedule.

This is basically the discussion of my life.
People try to tell me it’s not healthy, while many scientists have proven there really is such thing as people with a later circadian rhytm.

I’m 26, been trying to change my sleeping pattern for almost 10 years. Waking up early simply does not work.

If I wake up by 6am, I’m tired the whooooole entire day. By 9pm, I start gaining energy… And when it’s dark, I thrive.

People tell me all the time, that if I’d wake up everyday at 6am, my rhythm will change.
Tried it, guess what, after a weekend of not setting my 6am alarm anymore, I was a night owl again.

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