ELI5, why is going to bed super late bad for you if you still get the same amount of sleep?


I’ve always wondered this, espeically over summer break or for those who work later but why is going to bed late bad for you if you still get the perfect amount of sleep?

For example, last night I wen’t to bed at like 1:30 AM and woke up at 10:30 am, which is 9 hours? So if I’m getting required sleep, how is it bad for me?

In: 2565

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I watched this dudes masterclass, and honestly it’s one of the best things I have ever watched. I wondered the same, and he answers that, and way more…
The myth is that “too much sleep” is bad for you, but it could be quite the contrary. It really depends on you, how you feel, your age, and lifestyle. Shoot, he even mentions LeBron James sleeps 13 hours a day, and he’s in exceptional shape.
Some info on why you would feel “off” when saying up too late or sleeping too early:
He could probably speak better on this, but according to a lot of studies done on sleep, we have a circadian rhythm that is believed to be engraved in our DNA, based on our ancestry. This explains why some of us tend to be night owls vs those who are early larkers. The studies suggest to villager days where some needed to stay up late to watch over the tribe at night, and some would wake up early. This kept the tribe vulnerable to a bare minimum. He also breaks down the brain chemistry involved, which suggests we naturally gravitate to certain bedtimes and wake up times. If we stretch outside of those tendencies, we are outside of our natural circadian rhythm, which is why we get thrown off. He touches on how modern society has evolved without taking into account these human tendencies, and suggests workplaces don’t (but should) accommodate these natural obstacles (such as adaptive work schedules to a person’s circadian rhythm)
There’s a whole section on why we are tired after naps, and best practices towards those too.
Again, he better describes that, but hopefully this gives you an idea.

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