ELI5, why is going to bed super late bad for you if you still get the same amount of sleep?


I’ve always wondered this, espeically over summer break or for those who work later but why is going to bed late bad for you if you still get the perfect amount of sleep?

For example, last night I wen’t to bed at like 1:30 AM and woke up at 10:30 am, which is 9 hours? So if I’m getting required sleep, how is it bad for me?

In: 2565

25 Answers

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Remember that by and large, our ability to sleep during the day is greatly aided by technology like AC. Until recently in our history, sleeping through the day wasn’t really an option. So, with some variation, we are generally “built” to be daytime animals. To wake up when the lights go on and go to bed when the moon becomes our nightlight.

I’m a night owl, and my schedule permits it. But when we go camping?? It’s hard to sleep past 8 when the sun is out and it’s starting to get hotter. When the bustle of other campers starts to disturb me.

Also, it’s a lot better to get outside for hobbies and yard work when it’s cooler in the AM. Getting out and being active goes a long way towards good health. Tennis is way more fun at 9AM than it is at 3PM. Being a night owl means you will generally get less exercise and less time out in the healthy sun.

I can only tell you from my experience that it’s hard to keep this schedule when you go places and do things with other people. Sleeping in until 11 every Saturday closes off a lot of options for things to get out and do. And you don’t want to be the guy who’s sleep deprived for the entire cruise, tournament, camping trip, your son’s tee-ball games, and so on… I have regrets.

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