ELI5, why is going to bed super late bad for you if you still get the same amount of sleep?


I’ve always wondered this, espeically over summer break or for those who work later but why is going to bed late bad for you if you still get the perfect amount of sleep?

For example, last night I wen’t to bed at like 1:30 AM and woke up at 10:30 am, which is 9 hours? So if I’m getting required sleep, how is it bad for me?

In: 2565

25 Answers

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Haven’t seen anyone mention the fact that by going to bed later you’re staying awake longer even though your body needs the sleep. So Friday night if we stay up til 3am but get 9 hours of sleep or more to recover, we should be A-OK, right? Well no, because staying up until 3am is pushing our body – especially the brain and heart – harder than they normally are, and no amount of sleeping in the next day can help them make a complete recovery. The damage is done.

There’s the idea of sleep debt, but it’s only half true. It’s true that you can count how much sleep you’ve missed, but the “debt” can’t just be repaid by sleeping in. There’s a lot of interest that’s been accumulating too

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