ELI5- Why is it dangerous for a scuba diver to ascend too quickly?


ELI5- Why is it dangerous for a scuba diver to ascend too quickly?

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10 Answers

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The deeper you go in water, the more pressure is applied to your body. Your body have a good amount of gas inside of its tissues and that gas is compressed by that pressure. If you go up too quickly, that gas expand too fast to escape the inside of your tissues and that expansion can create damage to those tissues.

If you go up slowly, the gas have time to escape as it expand, causing no damage. Sometime, you might need to do decompression stop, meaning you need to stay for some time at different depth to leave enough time for gas to escape. The more time you spent at depth and the deeper you go, the longer you need to take to get to the surface. At some depth/amount of time it can last several hours.

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