eli5: Why is it so difficult to desalinate sea water to solve water issues?


eli5: Why is it so difficult to desalinate sea water to solve water issues?

In: 1972

17 Answers

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Okay there are a lot of answers which all circle back to scale ans costs–but I wanted to add my two cents because IF it could be argued enough you could make the military do it.

I was a 92W, water treatment specialist, they showed us how to run different types of equipment that can make drinkable water at differing speeds etc

You have the Light Weight and then you go to the others. But the process is easy–

Throw out the Dolphin Strainer it pulls in water and keeps out the first large debris, it gets pulled into a Raw Water bag or Tank where a High Pressure pump forces the water through strainers and what ever chemicals are needed to kill bacteria and then it is finally sent to the Clean Water bags. That’s the short and fast process.

They’d would have to go through filters faster because of the salt, but it’s cheaper then the canisters they have to use to clean a chemical attack out of water.

Then to comes back to transportation again but still you have a Trucking MOS.

All the rejected treated water is held in containers because your supposed to dispose of that downstream of where ever your pulling from and certain areas just have rules against dumping the chemically treated water.

Long Story short if anyone suggests a stupid simple idea upper management will explain why it’s not worth it–ignoring that it could fix things temporarily or in the long run.

Like Flint Michigan, nestle set up their factory and is charging them for their own water instead of being charitable.

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