ELI5- why is it so difficult to take a decent picture of the moon on your phone?


Edit: I forgot to add a message. It’s so pretty when you look at it with your eyes but when you take a picture of it through your phone, it is a pathetic white blob.

In: 33

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some interesting takes here but specifically your cell phone is bad at taking pictures of things far away. It may zoom in on a distant object but it is a digital zoom and not adjusting lenses to change the focal point of the camera on the object far away. A real camera would have this and would take a better picture of the moon. Your digital zoom on your camera is taking a very zoomed out photo where the moon is just a small dot and then cropping the image to just the moon and scaling it up. The moon looks bad in the photo because your camera is focused on a much closer point in space so it does not capture much detail from the moon.

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