ELI5- why is it so difficult to take a decent picture of the moon on your phone?


Edit: I forgot to add a message. It’s so pretty when you look at it with your eyes but when you take a picture of it through your phone, it is a pathetic white blob.

In: 33

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are multiple problems. One is the moon is quite small and the phone has quire wide-angle lenses so you will always get a small moon.

The other is exposure. The moon is a lot brighter than the surrounding sky. The automatic exposure control of a camera has to in way guess what you intend to capture in the image. Capturing a single small bright area against something dark is not what is commonly done so the camera will likely set the exposure so the moon is to bright and the result is just a white blob.

So you need a camera app that is designed to capture the sky or have a manual setting to get the exposure right. If you do that you can capture the moon with correct exposure.

Another thing that is a good idea is to have something that holds the camera for you. The image quality in low light conditions is better with a long exposure time. If you hold it in your hand there will be some vibrations so the result is better if something holds the camera still for you.

You can look up tutorials online for how to do it. Just sear for “how to take pictures of the moon with a phone” and you will find one for your OS

So the moon will always be small with a phone image, you need a lens with more magnification to make it large. But you can take decent images of a larger part of the sky with stars with a phone.

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