Eli5: Why is it so hard to sit still while talking on the phone ? Why do people always get up and pace around while on the phone ?


Eli5: Why is it so hard to sit still while talking on the phone ? Why do people always get up and pace around while on the phone ?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me, even though I’ve worked in call centers for (now) decades, it’s because I really hate phone conversations. I much prefer speaking to someone in person. That being said, I have no idea why walking around helps, but it does help me feel like it’s more of a conversation than just talking to the voice in my head (as it were)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t have a scientific explanation or one based on data but in my experience, it’s all about what is being discussed and in what manner. It feels uncomfortable to sit still and focus on a call if there isn’t something of great importance being explored. If I’m on the phone with a friend and we’re bullshitting about what we did over the weekend, it would feel awkward to sit still in a chair and have that conversation, solely focusing on the call. In those circumstances, I like to move about or even go for a short walk. If a friend calls to tell me they got dumped or that a family member died, I feel a natural urge to sit and focus on the emotion and issues of the moment. I may even light up a cigarette and pour a drink.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In our workplace it is encouraged to walk around on a call if you don’t require the use of your computer. It allows you to take care of business whilst also taking a break from your screen and not sitting in one position constantly. Also, walking around helps people to think.