Eli5 why is it that food can be left in steamers and under heat warming lamps for hours but it harbors harmful bacteria if you leave it in a hot place like a car for a few hours?


Eli5 why is it that food can be left in steamers and under heat warming lamps for hours but it harbors harmful bacteria if you leave it in a hot place like a car for a few hours?

In: 312

20 Answers

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Food is supposed to be kept at 140F in order to kill bacteria. Cars can get hot, but it’s rare for them to get THAT hot. Warm areas over 90, but below 130, are ideal conditions for bacteria growth. So a car will most likely encourage bacteria growth rather than kill it.

So if the heat source heats the food to 140 then bacteria will die and it can be left out pretty much all day. If not then the food can only be kept out for a couple of hours before it is deemed unsafe.

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