Eli5. Why is meteorology always so off base?


I can literally check the weather a day before and it ends up being 80% incorrect. It will say it’s going to rain tomorrow and then not a drop.

It will call for storms all week and then end up being a small storm for 3 hours on Wednesday.

In: Earth Science

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your definition of accuracy is probably not achievable. NOAA, which gathers and distributed virtually all of the data used by weather forecasters, has a criteria, makes forecasts and grades them as well.
Their criteria is for areas, of which we have over a thousand in the US. That’s a lot, but still each is a large chunk, with lots of potentially variable micro climates within. Go look at their boundaries for your location. See how well or poorly they have done.
More importantly, how often have they failed to warn you of impending storms or violent changes in pressure? In the 19th century there was no knowing a hurricane was coming. Until they put up satellites in the 60s, radio from ships was the only warning. Now we know days ahead.

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