eli5 Why is our medical history so secretive but we know most medical diagnoses of celebrities, politicians, athletes etc…


eli5 Why is our medical history so secretive but we know most medical diagnoses of celebrities, politicians, athletes etc…

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9 Answers

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HIPAA protects everything, but there is an exception for athletes specifically when it affects the game. (This is especially important when there’s gambling!) But other stuff isn’t supposed to make it out (like when Michael Vick had herpes) and there are ethical issues when detailed information about things like failed medicals get leaked.

You can disclose your own medical stuff and anything else is typically voluntary.

Some celebrities reveal stuff by choice, maybe to bring attention to conditions they have as activists or for support–but it’s always their choice to do so. Sometimes politicians also give some medical info if there’s some compelling reason to do it, specifically if medical issue does (or doesn’t) interfere with the duties of their office–like when Joe Biden got his colonoscopy.

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