eli5 why is plastic inorganic


how is anything inorganic , if everything we have is from the earth itself and is therefore natural?
part 2 of the same question is why are somethings then non biodegradable?

In: Chemistry

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It isn’t.

Plastic is made with organic chemistry. It’s basically dead algae from ages ago.

>how is anything inorganic

Organic means “made from carbon”. That excludes stones and metals. They are still natural, but not organic.

>why are somethings then non biodegradable?

To be biodegradable there needs to be some animal/bacteria/fungus that can eat and decompose it. For stuff like plastic that isn’t the case because the situation that creates plastic doesn’t happen if humans aren’t involved, so no natural plastic eaters could evolve (considering that humans are very new to this planet, and plastic even newer)

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