Eli5- why is popping pimples on the face so different and less painful than popping pimples anywhere else


Eli5- why is popping pimples on the face so different and less painful than popping pimples anywhere else

In: 22

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would imagine it has to do with nerve endings at specific locations. You don’t have many nerve endings on your forehead, but more near, say, your lip area. Try pinching yourself in these two areas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think so. It is related to your face constantly being weathered. Your face is getting hit by all sorts of shit, including sun rays, throughout the day. Think about how little your inner thigh sees the world.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it’s because that we have a much less concentrated amount of nerve endings on the face than the rest of the body. Since pimples are a type of skin infection, the nerve endings are exposed once you pinch them, similar like a cut.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[Here is what you would look like if your body parts were sized based on how many nerves you had in each.](https://media.opennews.org/img/meatcharts/homunculus.jpg)

Anonymous 0 Comments

The various layers of skin are thinner on the face than on most of the rest of the body. This is why you should use specially-formulated creams (i.e. face cream) there rather than the harsher ones intended for much of the rest of the body. It also means that pimples tend to be based closer to the surface and thus popping them is typically less physically invasive.