[ELI5] Why is reading better than watching a movie/playing a videogame etc…?


I get that there are benefits to reading and all but what I find weird is the idea that no matter what you are reading, as long as you are reading, is a better use of your time than documentary on the same subject or playing a game?
Why? What does reading have that makes it much better? And is it really better no matter the content?

As someone who used to read a lot, many books I’ve read have been erased from my brain the same way I have with movies, and I don’t really see a difference

In: 7

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t get where the claim that *any* reading is better comes from. I’ve never heard that one.

I have heard the suggestion to read more books and properly investigated journalism and then actually looking up the sources for the claims in those texts, to train up your critical thinking and scientific literacy. If you only “read” social media, you end up either believing a weird conspiracy theory, or dismissing every statement as a crazy nonsense story written up just for clicks.

You do need to lay back and relax regularly, and maybe videogames can be good for that. So can reading fanfiction or watching a movie, simply because it is relaxing and entertaining for you. If someone walks in and tells you you are wasting your time and should be educating yourself and saving the world in every second of your free time, it’s helpful to tell that person to fuck the fuck off.

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