Eli5 Why is recycling not more common?


Explain to me, if the world is going on about recycling and how it’s good for the environment
Why is it that nobody is doing it? I’ve been told that recycling helps to save costs and money so shouldnt everyone be recycling?

In: Earth Science

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well it would be very good for the enviroment.

The issue is the cost. First the garbage has to be sorted wich requires expensive machines (or tons of low wage workers). Then the usefull parts have to be cleaned and refined further before they become useable again.

Financially thats not worth the effort right now, new ressources are still not too scarce to be unaffordable. But in a hundred years landfills might become (nasty) mines for ressources.

For plastics there is an additional problem: there are so many different ones that the result of recycling is a low grade plastic mix. Usefull for some stuff, but not nearly everything. And just burning the waste is pretty much like burning the oil that the plastic is made from, so it kinda becomes fossil fuel with extra steps right now.

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