ELi5: Why is supplemental nutrition not regulated/approved like food or medicine?


Edit [Clarity] my curiosity focuses more on vitamins and nutrients that doctors confidently prescribe to patients.

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7 Answers

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Food isn’t regulated that well either.

The reason why I say this, look into what mcdonald’s and burger King do. Their food is literally just coated in salt, gives massive high blood pressure and causes heart disease because of the high sodium content.

Most fast food, hell I’ll go as far as saying, almost all chains are guilty if using extremely unhealthy ingredients and chemicals with the intention of making their food addicting and more addicting.

Many of those same places, also turn healthy drinks into deserts. Ever made a smoothie at home? It’s just fruit, milk, and ice thrown In a blender for a few minutes. Very easy to make (I usually use 2 bananas, 3 strawberries, 5 ice cubs and some. Milk). And it’s naturally sweet. Well mcdonald’s takes it on themselves to ADD SUGAR, there’s no reason for it and you csnt taste it. It’s to make it more addicting. That’s why.

In fact, most hamburgers(or fried food too), fro. Fast food places, actually have more sodium content then the average person should be eating in a day.

Stay as far away from these places.

Wait, you mentioned many now have salads. Well I got bad news for you, they put all the sugar in the dressing. And use powder sugar in the process of making the salad. So you don’t see it, but you can taste it. More addicting means you come back.


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