ELi5: Why is supplemental nutrition not regulated/approved like food or medicine?


Edit [Clarity] my curiosity focuses more on vitamins and nutrients that doctors confidently prescribe to patients.

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7 Answers

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The companies that make them have lobbied the Congress for these exceptions. It makes their products cheaper to bring to market, less extensive scientific testing, and therefore less expensive.

They aren’t as well studied, and the claims are marketing rather than facts, but they are cheaper.

Some things, like vitamin C or D, have been around for ages and are pretty well studied. If your doctor does a blood test and your Vitamin D level is low, they can pretty confidently tell you to take some capsules. Sure, they could tell you to spend more time outside in short sleeves, but if it’s snowing you’re not as likely to do that as take a pill. Doctors want a result, and sometimes the easy path is what they recommend.

When you see some supplement saying that its Vitamin C and zinc will prevent viruses from the common cold to COVID, that’s just ordinary BS marketing. Nothing troubling, as long as you take it with a grain of sale.

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