[ELI5] Why is the difference in potential of electricity the one that kills you?


I found something on reddit about this. Basically it goes like this:

If there is a broken live electrical post falling down on your vicinity, you need to hop up and keep your feet close together instead of walking.

The explanation for this is that if your feet are far apart, there’s a difference in potential between your feet. How does this work?

I really don’t understand what the internet says and maybe someone could get me the answer if it’s eli5’ed to me. Thanks reddit!

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, that’s an awkward way of saying it… I THINK

What I guess they are saying that if your feet are separated, one foot thats in the air could get shocked and there is less resistance for the electricity to go through your body than the air gap. And if your feet are together, you wont get shocked through your body???

That seems like an unreasonable distinction. The difference in potential within the body is barely anything. Pointed objects tend to attract arcing electricity because the concentration is of charge is greater, but I don’t think that is relevant either.

edit: Moral of the story is don’t walk around live wires.

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