Eli5 Why is the earth spinning so complicated?


Like the earth and ground is rotating yet nothings changing and the fact that we’re moving along with it doesn’t make any sense either.

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8 Answers

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>the fact that we’re moving along with it doesn’t make any sense either

Why not? If you place a crate on your car and drive it the crate will come along. You just can’t accelerate or change direction too suddenly, but earth doesn’t accelerate, it’s moving pretty steadily. Also if you’re going very fast the standing air might blow it off, but there is no air in space.

>Like the earth and ground is rotating yet nothings changing

Because they all rotate the same direction. We can only perceive movement in relation to other things. A car is moving compared to the road, we see both so we see movement. But earth is moving and spinning in space. We can see objects in space, but they are so far away that they appear to move extremely slowly (the sun moon and stars). In absense of reference points movement is hard to perceive. You can be in a plane and not notice how fast you’re going because nothing is near the plane

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