eli5 Why is the empty set a subset of any set?


eli5 Why is the empty set a subset of any set?

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a vacuous truth. Any element that is in the empty set also appears inside any other set.
But there are no elements in the empty set.

It’s like saying: “All of these people in my room have purple wings”, when my room is empty. Technically the truth, or in mathy terms, vacuous truth

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you remove all elements from a set, you are left with the empty set. Since you can remove all elements from any set, the empty set must be common to all sets.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A is a subset of B if every element in A is also an element in B. It’s vacuously true that every element in the empty set is also an element in every set.

Put another way, A is **not** a subset of B if there’s an element in A which is not in B. Given some arbitrary set, can you show me at least one element that’s in the empty set but not in this set?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’ll be easier to explain it with the notion of **superset**.

A set *bigbag* is a superset of *smallbag* if you can obtain *bigbag* by adding objects to *smallbag.* In particular, *bigbag* is always a superset of the empty set, because if you have the empty set, you can just add all the objects of *bigbag* to obtain *bigbag*

The other way around, *smallbag* is a subset of *bigbag* if you can obtain *smallbag* by removing objects from *bigbag*. In particular, the empty set is always a subset of the bigbag, because you can start from *bigbag* and remove all the objects.

If that doesn’t feel intuitive too you, it’s probably you don’t fully grasp that the empty set is a set. It is kind of weird said like that, but using bags: the empty set is a bag with nothing in it, but it’s still a bag.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you take a set, to make a subset of it, you simply have to remove some number of elements from the set. This includes removing everything from the set, leaving you with the empty set.