Eli5: Why is the medical treatment for people with ADHD/ADD often a stimulant?


So, being a young adult with a suspicion of having some sort of the aforementioned, I’ve read that the treatment involves medicine of the stimulant sort.

Wouldn’t that make the underlying anxiety and restlessness worse? Or is it some sort of “shove” to artificial motivation, like making an old engine start up? Thanks in advance.

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can tell you that when i was about 11-12 years old, they put me on every single ADHD drug on the market, from Adderal to Vyvanse. I immediately stopped interacting with classmates, started being even more withdrawn, not eating at all during the day, hardly sleeping at night. Never really was able to even identify what I was feeling as anxiety until nearly 11 years later. I’m 26 now and looking back, my mental health really started taking a nose dive around then. Could have been puberty tho who knows

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