Eli5: Why is the medical treatment for people with ADHD/ADD often a stimulant?


So, being a young adult with a suspicion of having some sort of the aforementioned, I’ve read that the treatment involves medicine of the stimulant sort.

Wouldn’t that make the underlying anxiety and restlessness worse? Or is it some sort of “shove” to artificial motivation, like making an old engine start up? Thanks in advance.

In: Biology

11 Answers

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I have 4 kids, 3 of them are Attention Deficit. This is my understanding of how it works.

The ADD mind can’t easily focus on one thing. When the person tries to “think hard” about something, brain activity actually **drops**, to the point that some of my kids have complaineed about feeling sleepy when they try to do math. Some ADD people will even “self-medicate” by arguing pretty much constantly, because that stimulation electrifies the brain, and they can think clearly.

By providing a stimulant in a controlled, time-released dose, thinking clearly and remaining calm(er) is actually easier, because the stimulation from the meds allows them to focus on things like school work.

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