Eli5: why is there a lot of matter but no antimatter if they both appear simultaneously?


Eli5: why is there a lot of matter but no antimatter if they both appear simultaneously?

In: Physics

4 Answers

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We don’t have a definitive answer on that one. The two hypothesis that I hear the most is

1) There was much more matter and antimatter at the big bang, but there was a little bit more matter. So after everything annihilated itself with antimatter-matter reaction, the little bit more of matter is what make our universe.

2) There is this view that antimatter could just be matter but going backward in time. Maybe at the big bang two universe were created. One going forward in time made of matter and one going backward in time made of antimatter. I know it’s weird, it’s melting my brain too.


Here a video about it. But of course it’s all mostly speculation, and different scientist disagree with each other on the subject.

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