ELI5- why is there “good” pain (like rubbing a sore muscle), and “bad” pain? Why do they feel different?


ELI5- why is there “good” pain (like rubbing a sore muscle), and “bad” pain? Why do they feel different?

In: Biology

9 Answers

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Once i learnt that when we have a bad toothache, we usually try to suck the air through the teeth. It literally makes it feel more painful but right after you stop, the pain reliefs and it feels “less” painful. Same goes with scratching your itch; itch is kinda like really minor pain so you scratch it to make it more painful so when you get used to the pain of the scratch, the itch is not as painful

In other words, i believe “good pain” is just an illusion of relief that we create

I believe this phenomenon somewhat correlates to self-harming in people suffering depression. They self-harmed themselves to create extreme pain, to a point that their inner mental suffering feels not as painful as the physical pain right now, and that creates relief

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