Eli5: why is there no test for the “chemical imbalance” that is often mentioned for depression?


Eli5: why is there no test for the “chemical imbalance” that is often mentioned for depression?

In: Chemistry

33 Answers

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Neuroscientist here: Because the “chemical imbalance” theory is bullshit. It was a real theory several decades ago, which was abandoned in the field because it doesn’t make sense / doesn’t work. But it is simple and easy to explain (despite being false) and therefore continues to propagate.

To be clear, it’s not that it’s a simplification. It’s just wrong.

If it WERE a chemical imbalance, it would be something you coughs test for, you are right about that, although the test would probably not be a blood test, might require a spinal tap or PET scan (best ways to measure specific chemicals in brain). It would also be simple to treat.

Pretty much ANY neat, simple story that someone tells you about the brain is usually false.

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