eli5: why is unhealthy food usually much cheaper than healthy food?


I live in the US so i’m not sure how it is in other countries, I’d love to hear your thoughts from various locations in the comments!!

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes big corporates who make the rubbish food get the big tax breaks and power of volume of trade, where small suppliers do not. The rubbish food is preserved by being full of sugar and salts and hence cheaper to store, transport and it low value lasts.

The fruit and vegetable market is subject to all kinds of impacts – weather, staffing etc, with farmers put under huge pressures to be underpaid or cut out, by supermarket monopolies.

And price of fresh vegetables has skyrocketed. One ordinary lettuce has been about $6 to $11 in some areas, over the past three weeks in capital cities Australia, beans, cucumbers similar.

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