eli5: why isn’t it possible to cook e.g. cookies at twice the temperature for half the time? obviously i know it isn’t possible, but *why*? what’s the physics behind it?


eli5: why isn’t it possible to cook e.g. cookies at twice the temperature for half the time? obviously i know it isn’t possible, but *why*? what’s the physics behind it?

In: 9

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bc the entire cookie doesn’t immediately become the same temperature. The outer most layers heat up first and continue to heat and thus cook and then burn, while the inner layers are coming up to temperature more slowly. In scientific terms it’s about heat transfer from the air in the oven to the dough. The dough is a solid and cannot be penetrated 100% immediately, it happens in layers and the heat is transferred from the outer to the inner layers. But at a higher temperature, the outer layers are still getting more heated all the time which burns it before the inner layer can be cooked.

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