Eli5 why jumping off a plane last second doesn’t decrease Fall damage


Eli5 why jumping off a plane last second doesn’t decrease Fall damage

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12 Answers

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Because you’re just converting your relative velocity to global velocity. When you’re on the plane, your speed is the same as the falling plane. The 2 feet you jump up to get off doesn’t do much to counteract that. Jumping in the plane might make you weightless, but relative to the not moving earth, you haven’t actually changed your speed at all.

Combined with speed not actually having much to do with impact. Surviving a fall is more about how long you can keep your momentum going, so that it slowly decreases instead of stopping all at once. You’d have to juno out of the plane onto a hill that’s tall enough for you to roll for a good while. And that will probably kill you anyway.

You’d actually have better chances bracing in your seat.

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