Eli5 why no big Insects?


Okay so I’m sure if you’ve read in history that sometime around Jurassic age that insects were like stupidly big due to O2 saturated environments. why can’t we manufacture an enclosed space with gradually increasing oxygen saturation over a few generations and see how big we can get insects?

Sorry for format using phone

In: 42

13 Answers

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Insects respire in a more passive way than fish, reptiles or mammals, they have holes in their exoskeleton and air channels inside them which circulate oxygen through them so they can live and consume energy. It’s a perfect system if you have the right volume to surface area/volume and oxygen percentage ratio. Millions of years ago, there was a good deal more oxygen in the air, I believe about 35 percent around it’s peak, and insects could grow much larger before their size became a limiting factor in whether or not they could efficiently perform respiration.

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