Eli5 why pancreatic cancer is a death sentence?


I mean almost nobody survives it, it’s not uncommon unlike other cancers which are equally deadly(heart cancer for example), yet when you have it it’s basically over. A good reason to not consider chemo and just enjoy the days you have left.


8 Answers

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The problem with the pancreas is that it’s function is one that supplements others in the body, and does so in very subtle ways. This means that by the time cancer is affecting the pancreas to the degree that symptoms become noticeable, the cancer has often reached the point where it has metastasized and spread to other parts of the body.

At this point, what is often referred to as “Stage 4” with cancers, it’s basically too late for any treatment to be effective. In order to stop the spread, any treatment would likely kill you first.

So, it’s not so much that pancreatic cancer itself is a death sentence, it’s more that you need to be able to catch it before it becomes actually noticeable. This is why cancer screening is important.

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