eli5: Why there are extra cooling systems(like fans etc.) for GPU and CPU but nothing for RAM?Isn’t that get hot?


eli5: Why there are extra cooling systems(like fans etc.) for GPU and CPU but nothing for RAM?Isn’t that get hot?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First, [there are cooling systems for memory](https://www.newegg.com/Memory-Chipset-Cooling/SubCategory/ID-572) – that online store has a whole section of them as you can see.

But yes, RAM doesn’t get as hot as CPU and GPU.

CPU is usually OK with just the standard factory fan, you only need to get a better cooling setup if you overcock the CPU past the factory specs. Overclocking increases the voltages and power that have to go through the CPU by a lot, so that’s why extra cooling is needed.

GPU is typically designed to operate “at the cutting edge”, so it requires serious cooling. The two components inside a graphics card that need cooling are:

* the graphics processor itself, which can ramp from 0 load looking at a desktop, to HUGE load trying to render a complex game with realistic visuals and physics,

* and the bank of [voltage regulators](https://www.ozone3d.net/public/jegx/201004/asus_eah_5830_pcb.jpg), which must change the input of 12V DC to the internal voltages of, for example, 1.23 V DC, extremely accurately (no fluctuations in the 1.23 V) while maintaining power levels at 100+ watts. A lot of power going through those regulators, basically, requiring lots of cooling of the electronic components.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are some esoteric solutions, but RAM simply doesn’t generate the same amount of heat as processors so there is normally no issues with normal heat spreaders.

Older processors and GPUs, and even low-power modern ones can survive with just passive cooling and the system airflow.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ram does get hot, but not enough to be a problem, I think that is because ram isn’t really performing much compared to the CPU and GPU, only some sections being accessed at a time, and also the heat is spread between all the chips

Nevertheless some “gaming” ram has metal heatsinks, but they are also very much for show, there have also been some water cooled ram modules but that’s way overkill