eli5 why there are so many different fossils in Morocco than there are in most other areas in the world?


eli5 why there are so many different fossils in Morocco than there are in most other areas in the world?

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Fossils form much more easily in certain conditions. For example, soft, sandy sediments at the bottom of pools of water. This is why the vast majority of things that got fossilised were sea creatures. Limestone is in fact *entirely* made up of fossils, it’s just that most of those fossils are smashed up pieces of shell or single-celled organisms, so it doesn’t look like fossils until you [zoom in a bunch](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fih1.redbubble.net%2Fimage.434563642.9793%2Fflat%2C550x550%2C075%2Cf.u2.jpg&f=1&nofb=1).

Over time, these sediments are squished to form rock, and plate tectonics move them around. The places that have fossils are the places where these good-fossil rocks ended up after millions of years of movement. The rock that is now in Morocco is one of those places where the conditions were *ideal* for fossil creation, so it has a ton of them.