Eli5: Why was it world-changing that Caesar crossed the Rubicon?


Eli5: Why was it world-changing that Caesar crossed the Rubicon?

In: 1397

20 Answers

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It was a point of no return.

One Caesar crossed the rubicon he crossed into Italy proper. And bringing his army across without the approval of the senate was a big huge No-No.

Caesar crossing the rubicon is to Rome like the shelling of fort sumpter is to the USA. That shelling official started the American civil war, same goes for Caesar crossing the rubicon.

Had he stayed on the other side, it’s possible that things could’ve been worked out diplomatically. But once he crossed he officially embarked on his journey to be in charge.

Now the crossing itself? Eh. It might have not been important at all had Caesar LOST. Then it would maybe be a footnote that no one cared about. But he didn’t lose. He won. And changed the fabric of the Roman Empire. Which is a pretty big deal.

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