ElI5: Why was so special about Windows 95, what made it a 90s pop culture touchstone?


ElI5: Why was so special about Windows 95, what made it a 90s pop culture touchstone?

In: Technology

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Edit: I was thinking of Win3.1 when I wrote this comment. Sorry about that! Win95 is easier to use than Win3.1 but somehow I forgot Win3.1 even existed cause my family went from MS-DOS to Win95.

It basically brought home computers into the mainstream. IBM compatible computers were cheaper than Apple and Win95 was much easier to use. With MS-DOS you had to read instruction manuals and with Windows95 you could just.. click things.

Plus, Minesweeper and Solitaire came free with it and everyone loves to play a game on a new technology.

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