ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?


ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some can and i do.
I’m 60 and have a memories from a home we moved from when I was 4.
Like picking up our phone, which was a shared party line, and listening to the people talking.
And climbing into a tree in our backyard and getting stuck four feet off the ground thinking I was going to die, screamed my head off and dad came out and with one hand put me on the ground. I have maybe 10 of these.

I don’t remember any of the things I’ve seen pictures or videos of.

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ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some can and i do.
I’m 60 and have a memories from a home we moved from when I was 4.
Like picking up our phone, which was a shared party line, and listening to the people talking.
And climbing into a tree in our backyard and getting stuck four feet off the ground thinking I was going to die, screamed my head off and dad came out and with one hand put me on the ground. I have maybe 10 of these.

I don’t remember any of the things I’ve seen pictures or videos of.

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